


vue d'exposition, numérique, xposition de groupe, arkad, Auvillar, 2017


Impressions (k5e3) with Luc Debert
Installation, sound piece 5’’, drawings,
Ink prints, 3D prints, 1989-2017.

This project is a collaboration with Luc Debert, my father.
I made a chess game that he modeled 25 years earlier.
The installation combines 3D models, drawings from 1993
and a sound piece referring to the first chess game won by
the computer Deeper Blue on world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

1989: Y realizes a synthetic image in 3 dimensionsof a chess game.
1993: Y models in 3D all the parts of the game.
1997: DeeBlue IBM super computer wins first match against Russian chess champion G.K.
2017: X, son of Y, translates the 1993 synthesis volumes into «printable» objects, then prints the chess game in 3D.